Adam Johnson is creating online film criticism!

With Patreon, you're able to support me in creating movie reviews, new features, and series like the upcoming Movie Deep Dive and Adventures in Star Wars Canon! But the wonderful thing about a service like Patreon is that you're not just giving money to the void - you get something extra in return from me, dear reader as my show of gratitude! The link to the Patreon page is below, but first...
Here's how it works:
1. CHOOSE How Much You Give!
Like other donation sites, there's not just one locked amount - you can give as little or as much as you want, from as much as a dollar to as much as $10 or more. It's all up to you. What's different about Patreon is that these are monthly donations (until you cancel, if you so choose).
2. RECEIVE and Enjoy!
I've set up four different, inexpensive tiers, each with unique perks from me to you!
For only a dollar a month, you get access to my page on Patreon for exclusive updates, previews, and more, as well as have your name featured on a SPECIAL THANKS page on the website, so the world will know you support this independent creator.
For $2 a month, you receive the Tier 1 perks (access to exclusive Patreon page, featured on Special Thanks page) AND you get a post - whether it be a feature article, a review, or a video - DEDICATED to you and you alone!
In addition to the Tier 1 AND Tier 2 perks, you also get downloadable AUDIO VERSIONS of all new posts (reviews and features) on the Patreon page for $3 a month! If you're one of those folks who prefer listening to reading, this is the one for you!
For at least $5 a month, in addition to ALL the above perks, you join the FILM SOCIETY. Now, what does this mean? You'll get a monthly newsletter on the Patreon page. But this isn't just some "Here's What New!" newsletters or something for the junk mailbox. I'll posit some questions for analysis on a particular film AND I'll curate a special MOVIE DAY with explanations for why I chose these films and why they're significant, how they're great in their own way, and what makes these 5-7 films a perfect match! (Oh yeah, this is more than a double feature.)
And that's all there is to it! I hope you're willing to support because I'm excited to give these to you. You can access my Patreon page here:
If you arrived here from Theme Park Workshop, you can support us on that separate venture here: